So I just realized – I have about 8 half-written blog posts and haven’t actually posted anything in months.
I have to be honest with you – I have been met with a bit of a crossroads when it comes to how much time I’m dedicating to everything.
Work has been very busy – I finally launched my big project earlier this year and since birthing that baby, I’ve been putting a lot of effort into that, in order to help it grow. The challenge and stress of that, along with raising kids, have left me little energy to pursue my other passions. We’ve had some ups and downs the past few months, but over all, the stress as been more positive and has been driving me forward. It has helped me hone in on what is making the difference at this point in time.
What does this mean for Rekreated Design? No change! It’s still here – alive and able to be picked back up at any moment. I’m still keeping up with the interior design community, staying on top of trends, working on a few projects in our home and for close family and friends. The difference – I have not been and will not be actively pursuing new clients/projects. If something comes up – great! Need my help, let me know! It just means my marketing efforts for the moment are on a hiatus.
What does this mean for my blog? Some minor shifts in content. Previously, content was intended to be mainly focussed on Interior Design. When I look at my 8 unfinished posts, there are some about design, but then some about other things – family, travel, life, etc. I have a lot to dish about and I don’t want to be limited by one topic. So bear with me as I gather up some of my thoughts and start putting them down in writing to share with you. I think a lot of the things I am going to be writing about can have some impact and be helpful. If not, you can always choose not to follow me or read my posts anymore. Totally up to you.
As always – thanks to everyone who follows along and takes time to read my posts. I hope that you still find something in them useful, either for your home or your heart!
Stay tuned – some interesting stuff is coming up!
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